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Violin tutors in West Bridgford, continue below to search from all 16 tutors

  1. Sarah I picture

    Sarah I

    5.0 (85)
    Violin Violin Lessons Made Easy!

    ***Please note my advertising rate is based on my class durations of 30mins £22 and 45mins £33. Personalised videos and audios are included to help aide your practice.Dear student,My aim, as a violin tutor, is to provide you with a positive learning experience in my lessons. I want you to feel inspired, grow in confidence by playing the music that you enjoy on this most beautiful instrument. 🎻✨During your lessons I will provide you with constructive feedback that will encourage you to have ‘a can do’ approach towards your learning, I believe this is the key to success for any music student.***In your first...

    Teaches:  Violin Music

    Violin Violin Lessons Made Easy!

    ***Please note my advertising rate is based on my class durations of 30mins £22 and 45mins £33. Personalised videos and audios are included to help aide your practice.Dear student,My aim, as a violin tutor, is to provide you with a positive learning experience in my lessons. I want you to feel inspired, grow in confidence by playing the music that you enjoy on this most beautiful instrument. 🎻✨During your lessons I will provide you with constructive feedback that will encourage you to have ‘a can do’ approach towards your learning, I believe this is the key to success for any music student.***In your first...

    Teaches:  Violin Music
  2. Rimma A picture

    Rimma A

    4.9 (27)
    Enthusiastic and passionate Violin tutor
    from £35/hr

    I am a qualified professional musician with a vast experience in music. In 2014, I received a college degree after spending four years in the college of music. Afterward, I enrolled in a conservatory where I specialized on the viola, violin and the piano. Subsequently, I graduated from one of the best conservatory in the world with a first class degree.Over the period of 9 years, I have played and performed in symphony orchestra in most European countries including Germany, Italy and Russia. I have a passion to help people of all ages to learn and master playing these instruments.I have one of...

    Teaches:  Violin Piano , +1

    Enthusiastic and passionate Violin tutor

    I am a qualified professional musician with a vast experience in music. In 2014, I received a college degree after spending four years in the college of music. Afterward, I enrolled in a conservatory where I specialized on the viola, violin and the piano. Subsequently, I graduated from one of the best conservatory in the world with a first class degree.Over the period of 9 years, I have played and performed in symphony orchestra in most European countries including Germany, Italy and Russia. I have a passion to help people of all ages to learn and master playing these instruments.I have one of...

    Teaches:  Violin Piano , +1
  3. Sangbin J picture

    Sangbin J

    enthusiastic Violin Violin tutor

    As a professional violinist located in Watford, I am proud to share my recent accomplishment of graduating with First-Class Honors from the Royal College of Music for my Master's degree. I am also a distinguished graduate of the Royal Academy of Music, where I completed my Bachelor's degree. My journey in music has been shaped by the pursuit of excellence and a commitment to honing my craft at some of the most prestigious institutions. I bring a wealth of knowledge and a passion for the violin to every aspect of my musical career.In my teaching approach, flexibility is crucial as I tailor each...

    Teaches:  Violin

    enthusiastic Violin Violin tutor

    As a professional violinist located in Watford, I am proud to share my recent accomplishment of graduating with First-Class Honors from the Royal College of Music for my Master's degree. I am also a distinguished graduate of the Royal Academy of Music, where I completed my Bachelor's degree. My journey in music has been shaped by the pursuit of excellence and a commitment to honing my craft at some of the most prestigious institutions. I bring a wealth of knowledge and a passion for the violin to every aspect of my musical career.In my teaching approach, flexibility is crucial as I tailor each...

    Teaches:  Violin

With 81,000 5-star reviews, our tutors are proven to deliver exceptional results. Find your perfect Violin tutor in West Bridgford today.

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Discover more Violin tutors in West Bridgford below, we offer a selection of 16 highly qualified tutors for you to choose from

  1. Tatiana S picture

    Tatiana S

    4.9 (7)
    Supportive Violin tutor
    from £34/hr

    I am a Maths tutor with 9 years’ experience of private tuition helping students from Primary to A Level with learning and revision that has enabled them to significantly improve their initial results. Working as an engineer for many years has given me strong analytical skills and ability to clearly identify student’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the UK Curriculum I use teaching methods based on the best traditions of the Russian School of Mathematics. It is a systematic approach that helps: • To learn and understand Maths easier and better • To overcome areas where students struggl...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +11

    Supportive Violin tutor

    I am a Maths tutor with 9 years’ experience of private tuition helping students from Primary to A Level with learning and revision that has enabled them to significantly improve their initial results. Working as an engineer for many years has given me strong analytical skills and ability to clearly identify student’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the UK Curriculum I use teaching methods based on the best traditions of the Russian School of Mathematics. It is a systematic approach that helps: • To learn and understand Maths easier and better • To overcome areas where students struggl...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +11
  2. Coraleigh K picture

    Coraleigh K

    5.0 (2)
    Experienced Violin and Piano Tutor Violin

    I have recently graduated from the Royal Northern College of Music with a First Class degree in violin performance. I have 5 years of experience teaching a range of ages on both violin and piano and currently have availability for more students. I perform violin professionally in chamber ensembles, in theatre shows, for recording sessions and as a soloist. I have many years of experience playing in orchestras including the CBSO Youth Orchestra, which I had the pleasure of leading. Highlights of my career so far have included performing live on a BBC1 TV broadcast last year and playing alongside...

    Teaches:  Violin Keyboard , +1

    Experienced Violin and Piano Tutor Violin

    I have recently graduated from the Royal Northern College of Music with a First Class degree in violin performance. I have 5 years of experience teaching a range of ages on both violin and piano and currently have availability for more students. I perform violin professionally in chamber ensembles, in theatre shows, for recording sessions and as a soloist. I have many years of experience playing in orchestras including the CBSO Youth Orchestra, which I had the pleasure of leading. Highlights of my career so far have included performing live on a BBC1 TV broadcast last year and playing alongside...

    Teaches:  Violin Keyboard , +1
  3. Robert R picture

    Robert R

    5.0 (8)
    Dedicated Violin tutor
    from £44/hr

    I'm an award-winning Australian mathematics lecturer with 15+ years of experience lecturing, tutoring, and teaching mathematics at GSCE, A-level, and university level. I'm also a working musician (pianist, composer, producer, etc) and am also available to teach singing, piano, song-writing, and composing.I am well set up to run sessions online (with a green screen, studio lights, the works), but am also available to run sessions from my home if that is your preference.Some comments from students in my university mathematics lectures over the past 15 years:~~~"Rob is an absolutely fantastic lecturer!...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +18

    Dedicated Violin tutor

    I'm an award-winning Australian mathematics lecturer with 15+ years of experience lecturing, tutoring, and teaching mathematics at GSCE, A-level, and university level. I'm also a working musician (pianist, composer, producer, etc) and am also available to teach singing, piano, song-writing, and composing.I am well set up to run sessions online (with a green screen, studio lights, the works), but am also available to run sessions from my home if that is your preference.Some comments from students in my university mathematics lectures over the past 15 years:~~~"Rob is an absolutely fantastic lecturer!...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +18

With 81,000 5-star reviews, our tutors are proven to deliver exceptional results. Find your perfect Violin tutor in West Bridgford today.

Compare all of our 16 Violin tutors in West Bridgford today by continuing below

  1. Isaac D picture

    Isaac D

    5.0 (14)
    Passionate, committed and experienced Violin Tutor

    Hello there! I’m Isaac, a dedicated medical student at Newcastle University with a profound enthusiasm for both learning and teaching. My journey in tutoring, particularly with MyTutor and Tutorful over the past year, has honed my teaching abilities and allowed me to assist students in excelling in exams while nurturing a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.I prioritise my students' progress and maintain open lines of communication between lessons. Every tutoring session is a unique opportunity for me to tailor my teaching approach to accommodate the individual learning style of each s...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +34

    Passionate, committed and experienced Violin Tutor

    Hello there! I’m Isaac, a dedicated medical student at Newcastle University with a profound enthusiasm for both learning and teaching. My journey in tutoring, particularly with MyTutor and Tutorful over the past year, has honed my teaching abilities and allowed me to assist students in excelling in exams while nurturing a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.I prioritise my students' progress and maintain open lines of communication between lessons. Every tutoring session is a unique opportunity for me to tailor my teaching approach to accommodate the individual learning style of each s...

    Teaches:  Violin Maths , +34
  2. Freddie A picture

    Freddie A

    Dedicated Violin tutor

    I am a professional violinist working in London and Manchester. After 17 years playing with the Halle Orchestra, I now freelance with with the major orchestras and appear regularly as a guest leader. I studied in London at Trinity College of Music. My violin professors were the soloist and orchestral leader Eric Gruenburg & his wife, Korshed Gruenburg. My professional qualifications are FTCL (Fellowship of Trinity College London) and LTCL (Licentiate of Trinity College London).I have been teaching all my professional career at all levels including Grade 8 and Diploma level. I also give casual lessons...

    Teaches:  Violin

    Dedicated Violin tutor

    I am a professional violinist working in London and Manchester. After 17 years playing with the Halle Orchestra, I now freelance with with the major orchestras and appear regularly as a guest leader. I studied in London at Trinity College of Music. My violin professors were the soloist and orchestral leader Eric Gruenburg & his wife, Korshed Gruenburg. My professional qualifications are FTCL (Fellowship of Trinity College London) and LTCL (Licentiate of Trinity College London).I have been teaching all my professional career at all levels including Grade 8 and Diploma level. I also give casual lessons...

    Teaches:  Violin
  3. Max B picture

    Max B

    5.0 (5)
    Dedicated Violin tutor

    I graduated from the Royal Academy of Music with joint undergraduate studies in Trumpet and Baroque Trumpet. As well my BMus(Hons), I achieved a teaching LRAM, was a recipient of the Leslie Regan Trust Prize and was a fellow of the Open Academy Outreach Programme. I have a passion for early music and was a participant of the OAE Academy in 2014 – I toured with the European Union Baroque Orchestra and Eboracum Baroque Orchestra during that year. As a student, I developed my knowledge of learning and participation music programmes through training and outreach work with: the London Sinfonietta, L...

    Teaches:  Violin Music , +14

    Dedicated Violin tutor

    I graduated from the Royal Academy of Music with joint undergraduate studies in Trumpet and Baroque Trumpet. As well my BMus(Hons), I achieved a teaching LRAM, was a recipient of the Leslie Regan Trust Prize and was a fellow of the Open Academy Outreach Programme. I have a passion for early music and was a participant of the OAE Academy in 2014 – I toured with the European Union Baroque Orchestra and Eboracum Baroque Orchestra during that year. As a student, I developed my knowledge of learning and participation music programmes through training and outreach work with: the London Sinfonietta, L...

    Teaches:  Violin Music , +14

With 81,000 5-star reviews, our tutors are proven to deliver exceptional results. Find your perfect Violin tutor in West Bridgford today.

Reviews for Violin tutors in West Bridgford

Read what parents and students think of our tutors

Rupert S
Violin tutor
Very friendly and no hesitation to correct a mistake with a smily face.
Hina A - Nottingham, Nottingham
Henrique B
Violin tutor
Had a lovely first lesson with Henrique, looking forward to the next one!
Olivia N - Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Christina S
Violin tutor
Great tutor ! Her ways of teaching are very understandable and is to pick up.
Olayinka M - Southwell, Nottinghamshire
Tatiana S
Violin tutor
She us an amazing tutor!!
Hasana F - Chesterfield
Stuart D
Violin tutor
Stuart is a first class violin tutor. He has a great knowledge of both music theory and practice and adopts a calm and patient approach in his teaching. Stuart takes the time to clarify things and is always happy to go at a pace which suits me. I have thoroughly enjoyed my lessons and would recommend Stuart to anyone. Rachel Evans
Rachel E - Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Chloe C
Violin tutor
Chloe is a very pleasant young lady. She works very well with my son with his violin and has built up a very good report with him very quickly . It looks as if he is going to get on very well .Thanks Chloe
Trevor B - Solihull, West Midlands


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